Monday, January 24, 2011

Trading Recipes

We all love to share our favorite recipes for that amazingly yummy dish. Here's a recipe that is totally low cal, high stress but the prize more than makes up for it. Many of us already know the dish but I think at times we forget how great it is/we are.

Some of the following ingredients might need a little tweaking as duty and locations change.

Recipe for a Military Spouse

1 1/2 cup Patience
1 cup Courage
3/4 cup Tolerance
Dash of Adventure
1 lb of Ability

To the above ingredients: Add 2 tablespoons elbow grease, Let stand alone for one year, Marinante frequently with salty tears, Pour off excess fat, Sprinkle ever so lightly with money, Knead dough until payday, Season with international spices. Bake 20 years or until done. Makes unlimited servings.

~Author unknown

PS. Thanks Gretchen for sharing. :)

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