Ya know, just a few hours ago I was commenting another friends blog about how her family enjoys celebrating Friday the 13th in silly ways, they embrace what others fear. Also for them, Valentine's day is just a commercial holiday. They love and show each other that love everyday. (I think I said that right, correct me if I'm wrong Jen). I commented to her how I was on board with her families plan, this year at least.
Friday the 13th for us was a good day, nothing out of the ordinary, cooky or wacky to report but my 14th, it wasn't as good. Don't get me wrong, the boys and I had a good morning but as you'll read, things shifted as the day progressed. Here is my confirmation, Valentine's Day sucked for the Cordova bunch. It could have been a lot worse with differing outcomes, Thank you GOD for watching over us all. Clearly yesterday we needed it.
Yesterday was weird to say the least. I wasn't sure I'd hear from Derrick since I'd only heard from him once in 9 days time. I kept my cell phone on me just in case he'd call. He didn't. I didn't get upset or even worry, I know he is busy. Let me clarify - I worry. I do that every day, but I didn't worry because he didn't call, that's what I meant.
We spent the morning and early afternoon with our neighbors, all-in-all it was a fun day. It was later that was weird. After coming home we decided to run to the BX for a few things. On the way home we had a little (HUGE) encounter where I thought they were going to have to notify next of kin for the three of us. A huge truck lost control on a narrow road and fishtailed all over the place and just before hitting us head on the driver regained control and ended up steering his truck through the crops that lined the road. Two seconds later and I wouldn't be typing now. It took a while for my heart to stop racing, and even longer for my nerves to calm. I had the worst thoughts running through my head as I saw this all happen. Thank God we're all fine, the truck driver too.
So last night Derrick's aunt called to wish us a Happy Valentine's Day and to see how we were doing, Derrick included. She asked me specifically if I'd heard from him and I hadn't, not in at least 4 days but I wasn't worried, I mean I didn't feel worried. When I said that she made a noise. I knew when she did that that she was calling me because of a gut feeling she had. See, she has a sixth sense about family and accidents/injuries and such. I asked her if she felt something and sure enough she did. I attempted to pacify her and told her that we were all fine, that it was the boys and I she had that feeling about and not Derrick. I don't know if that was enough for her, she didn't talk about it beyond that, so I assumed. I still do, I'm going to call her to verify once I'm done with this blog though.
I just got off the phone with Derrick. Through 4 broken calls we were able to talk for about 10 minutes. I told him that his aunt called last night to see how he was because she had a "feeling". That's when he did it - the noise. I got the worst butterflies and asked him to tell me why he did that. He told me to finish my story first so I did. I thought I had pacified his aunt with our near accident but now I'm not so sure. What did I miss, what has happened there?
The past week the weather has been really bad there, and a few days ago they had a blizzard. Of course in conditions like that things were quiet. He told me how it snowed for hours on end all of one day and into the night then it just stopped. The snow stopped falling and the night sky was lit by stars, he said it was so eerie. Then yesterday, after the weather cleared more they were attacked. (just writing this is making my skin crawl) He didn't get into specifics of it, how it started, but they took incoming rounds and returned fire. He said they had a good 30 minute fire fight. I asked if everyone was okay and he said "yes, even the Army." (if you know Derrick you see the comedy in that)
I don't know why I do this each time, but I asked him if he was "effective". That's my happy place code for, well... combat experience. See I can't even say it when I'm trying to. His reply, "I'm always effective Denise."
So with that I left it alone, I told him I was so glad that everyone was okay, to be safe and stay on guard, then reminded him that he has an important date next month that he can't miss.
He says he's good, he doesn't need anything at the moment, by the time it arrives he'll be home on R&R (unless something comes up and delays him) so it wouldn't be worth shipping now anyways. He says he's doing fine, just can't wait to get home.
From his mouth to Gods ears.
(And if you ever wonder why deployed spouses never sleep? This is why.)
1 comment:
I comment on your other blog about this, but just wanted you to know how much respect I have for you & how strong you are. You trully are such a great example to me & everyone around you & I only hope that one day I can be half as good of woman as you are :) Luv you girl
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