I was going to start this with "A lot has happened in the past month" but really, a lot more has happened since I blogged last. Heck I'm not even sure when that was so I'll stick with my original idea.
It's been a while since we've had to think about deployments. Derrick was in a position in his last unit that he was non-deployable. It was a much needed/appreciated break from the deployment tempo we had become used to. It's been almost two years since returning to the States and as all things do, things are changing.
March brought a new rank, a new unit and a whole new look into the Marine Corps. As involved as I once was it doesn't seem like much anymore. This promotion feels like it was one for the both of us and I'm slowly learning my new role (and retaking ALL of my training). On top of that, I'm reminded of all it takes (from every family member) to prepare for a deployment.
Maybe this one will be the last.
Four years left. I'm guessing not but one could hope, yes?
Ha, then we have our oldest to worry about too. What will the Marine Corps do with her?
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