Figure it was only fair that you have to wait a while too, we've been waiting for this news for the past six months. We were teased a few times but each hopeful situation was shot down with one loophole or another.
The latest loophole really pushed the line for us, as we are drawing closer to our rotation date. Seriously closer, 11 more days and the kids would be dis-enrolled from school, utilities get shut off and our drivers licenses expire and we have nothing to delay these processes.
Not yet at least but today we got the ticket that will allow us to get that extension. Derrick's web orders finally came through!! All of his screenings are completed and there are no other hold ups. It's been a huge game of hurry up and wait and now it's almost over.
Next week we'll be able to get that extension and from there we get to run all over the island to ensure we don't lose any of the simple things in life. (education, driving, cable, phone...)
One more twist to these orders, we still don't know where we're going. These orders only specify that Derrick is going to school in January as a temporary duty with further assignment to special duty overseas with Department of State after that time.
I can now say 'this is real'. It's real! I've been a little nervous as Oct 27th grew closer but can breath easy again, for now. ;)
Something official to let you keep the basics going until you get "thee" word as to specifics for when it's time to leave and where to go...this is good news.
Good luck with all the runing so you can sit and wait a bit longer. Time much needed for someone to get an injury fully healed.
Thanks for hte update
Congratulations! You survived the "waiting for orders" test with flying colors! And I know you'll get all the necessary extensions taken care of too with no problems and your humor intact! Just goes to prove what an asset you are to Derrick and what a great example you are to all the other spouses. Can't wait to hear where you guys are off to next! All the Best! Bryony
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