Saturday, August 22, 2009

For the family [& good friends]

If you're connected to Derrick on facebook then you already know he's in route home. Unfortunately it's not as simple as his status updates make it sound. He is only on the first leg of his trek home and will be a 1-2 week process. What he has been proclaiming with such enthusiasm is his leaving the COP (combat outpost) he has been at the past nine months. He is now at Bagram and tells me, and I quote, "no need to worry any more I'm in a safe location." If only it were that simple, right? When he's in my sights at the airport terminal I'll stop worrying.
He let me know that he will be there for a handful of days (I have the numbers but I won't post them for security purposes) then he will start the rest of his journey home. As much as I would love for the final legs of this trip to start today I know that he needs this time at Bagram to decompress and readjust to a non-combat environment. I noticed a tension in his tone, but more poignantly he noticed it and saw that it was, or could be a problem if he doesn't have time to readjust.
As many problems that I've had with this command, and boy have I had a ton, I am grateful that they were able to get him from his previous location to BAF for this down time before his return home. That's one thing (might be the only thing) I can say that they did to support Derrick and his team.
Derrick isn't sure yet how much time or access he'll have on the internet over the next few days/weeks, so not sure what type of updates he'll be posting if any. As I find out more (that I'm able to pass along) I will. Until then, it's the last minute dash to get everything just perfect before his homecoming!
About darn time!


Andrea said...

We are so happy to know that he is on his way. It has been a long time coming. We are so proud of Derrick for all that he has done and to still be able to make jokes about some of the things that have gone on there, he is truly one awesome Marine!

I am happy that your family will be whole again.

Love to the Cordova's

Jennifer said...

So glad to hear it. I'm SO glad he'll get at least some kind of decompression time. Still, I recomend you're own kind of decompression when he actually get's home. THAT is a REALLY different adjustment after all he's been thru. Call me ANYtime if you're in need of someone on the more etreme end of the PTSD and adjustment. "knowing" and living it, very VERY different. I will be sure to toss in extra prayers for ALL of you over the next little while. I am SOOOooooOooOoO happy this is nearly over and you are getting back together soon.

Brook Parker said...

Yay, I have been waiting for this update for such a long time now & I am soooo happy for you & your family that he is Finally coming home & Soon!