To hell with changing the way I blog on here because my psychotic ex sister-in-law has no life and feels the need to stalk mine. I created this blog as a way to express my thoughts and feelings through this deployment and that's what I'm going to do. If I blog differently now and again so be it, but this in my space to express me. She means nothing to me, holds no value to my life so I refuse to let her affect me and how I express myself. Jackie, I hope this gives you the cheap thrills you're seeking. (I also hope that this pisses you off because I've called you out).
Now that that rant is over- today was a good day, but a weird one at the same time. I've started the pre-pcs stuff (the pre-move for the non military) and that meant down sizing and posting lots of stuff on as we can't have the yard sales here on the island. In the past few days I've made a little under $350 so I'm feeling excited about that. It was only a small dent in the stuff I need to sell, but the house already feels more roomy.
Earlier in the day I was able to chat with Derrick, through messenger of course, but I'll take anything I can get. We've just past- no wait, tomorrow will be 7 months that he's been gone and we still have a ways left to go. When we wrapped up the conversation he said he would try to call later on. What an awesome treat! I don't get to hear his voice often.
As I was winding down for the evening the phone rang. Looking at the time I thought for sure it would be Melanie or Denise (Derrick's mom) but it came up 'unknown name', I knew before I said hello it was him. He sounds so good, fighting a cold and you can hear it in his voice but still, amazing. We talked for quite a while, 57 minutes give or take a few seconds. I heard the call for prayer. It's so funny to me, for Derrick he ignores it as long as possible, until I mention that I hear it. He hates it. A while later in our conversation I swear I hear the sound of machine gun bursts in the back ground. I tried to ignore it, but it started again. I asked if that sound was what I thought it was. Derrick replied oh so nonchalantly, "yeah, but it's outgoing." Then he carried on with the conversation I had interrupted. I couldn't help but as if he needed to let me go. He reassured me he was fine and we could still talk. I only remember bits and pieces of what we said for the next 10 or so minutes. The sound of a machine gun going off took my mind a million other places. I remember repeating 'how bizarre.' He told me not to worry, it was normal and it doesn't even phase him anymore. I cannot imagine, cannot fathom ever being in a place where the sound of machine gun fire is common place.
Eventually it died down and normal Denise stepped back into the conversation. And we enjoyed the rest of the time we had left. It was a good talk and I'm so grateful for the awesome connection we had. So many times we're cut off by dropped calls and no signal for him to call back. Not tonight.
As I write this and really think about the conversation I wonder how this must sound to you. I mean, it sounds a little bizarre to me now- how we so quickly minimized the significance of the sounds of guns firing. I can't imagine a life outside of this where I, or any American, would be calm and understanding of the situation on the other end of the line.
Just a crazy phone call, but loved every second of it. I shared them with Derrick.
(I know, cheese ball me)
I am so glad that you were able to talk to Derrick! Also glad to hear that he sounds good. On another note, your crazy ex sister in law needs to step back and stop stalking.
I'm thrilled you got to Derrick for SO long. For those that know, nothing mattered more then carrying on talking to his wife when D. knew it was outgoing fire. Keeping you all in our prayers and good luck with the virtual yard sale.
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