To hell with changing the way I blog on here because my psychotic ex sister-in-law has no life and feels the need to stalk mine. I created this blog as a way to express my thoughts and feelings through this deployment and that's what I'm going to do. If I blog differently now and again so be it, but this in my space to express me. She means nothing to me, holds no value to my life so I refuse to let her affect me and how I express myself. Jackie, I hope this gives you the cheap thrills you're seeking. (I also hope that this pisses you off because I've called you out).
Now that that rant is over- today was a good day, but a weird one at the same time. I've started the pre-pcs stuff (the pre-move for the non military) and that meant down sizing and posting lots of stuff on as we can't have the yard sales here on the island. In the past few days I've made a little under $350 so I'm feeling excited about that. It was only a small dent in the stuff I need to sell, but the house already feels more roomy.
Earlier in the day I was able to chat with Derrick, through messenger of course, but I'll take anything I can get. We've just past- no wait, tomorrow will be 7 months that he's been gone and we still have a ways left to go. When we wrapped up the conversation he said he would try to call later on. What an awesome treat! I don't get to hear his voice often.
As I was winding down for the evening the phone rang. Looking at the time I thought for sure it would be Melanie or Denise (Derrick's mom) but it came up 'unknown name', I knew before I said hello it was him. He sounds so good, fighting a cold and you can hear it in his voice but still, amazing. We talked for quite a while, 57 minutes give or take a few seconds. I heard the call for prayer. It's so funny to me, for Derrick he ignores it as long as possible, until I mention that I hear it. He hates it. A while later in our conversation I swear I hear the sound of machine gun bursts in the back ground. I tried to ignore it, but it started again. I asked if that sound was what I thought it was. Derrick replied oh so nonchalantly, "yeah, but it's outgoing." Then he carried on with the conversation I had interrupted. I couldn't help but as if he needed to let me go. He reassured me he was fine and we could still talk. I only remember bits and pieces of what we said for the next 10 or so minutes. The sound of a machine gun going off took my mind a million other places. I remember repeating 'how bizarre.' He told me not to worry, it was normal and it doesn't even phase him anymore. I cannot imagine, cannot fathom ever being in a place where the sound of machine gun fire is common place.
Eventually it died down and normal Denise stepped back into the conversation. And we enjoyed the rest of the time we had left. It was a good talk and I'm so grateful for the awesome connection we had. So many times we're cut off by dropped calls and no signal for him to call back. Not tonight.
As I write this and really think about the conversation I wonder how this must sound to you. I mean, it sounds a little bizarre to me now- how we so quickly minimized the significance of the sounds of guns firing. I can't imagine a life outside of this where I, or any American, would be calm and understanding of the situation on the other end of the line.
Just a crazy phone call, but loved every second of it. I shared them with Derrick.
(I know, cheese ball me)
it's you, it's you, you make me sing. You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This is gross beyond words
If you've really followed this deployment you know that it's been so different from any other deployment Derrick has been on. Even drastic compared to the other combat tours he'd done previously. The terrain is different, the living conditions are "Spartan" at best and the food... Oh my gosh the food. Sometimes they get it air dropped in and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they rely completely on what people send in care packages. And sometimes the food is delivered spoiled and you (he/they) either catch it as it's about to go into your mouth or you eat it and end up sick for days. It's happened at least twice already, fortunately both times Derrick could smell that it was spoiled and turned down the meal. I guess the other guys were too hungry to care. Talk about a Merry Christmas- the first time it happened was on Christmas day. Oh what a special feast that was, 75% of the camp was sick for a week. (The initial reaction to that was to discontinue sending meats to them. Why would they need protein, right?)
In any case, good food is hard to come by and decent meals are very few and far between. I guess because of this reason what I'm about to share didn't phase Derrick as much as it completely and utterly grossed me out. At the same time it made me appreciate how fortunate we are. Here is a little exert from our IM conversation:
derrick: the flies here are so bad it pisses me off
Deni: i'm sorry hun
derrick: I ate a fly the other day
Deni: eww
Deni: how did you do that?
derrick: I was eating biscuits and gravy
Deni: uck
derrick: and I guess it flew into the gravy
derrick: and I was chewing and I felt it pop in my mouth
Deni: and how did you find out?
derrick: It tasted a little off
Deni: eww
Deni: eww eeww eww
derrick: I just ignored it an kept eating
Deni: I just shrieked and had to tell the boys
Deni: now they're ewwing too
derrick: pretty nasty
Deni: yeah
Deni: eewww
derrick: thats what it gets
Deni: what? for landing in your food?
derrick: yes
I now know I can cook pretty much anything, test new recipes and just get creative and he'll appreciate it.
I am still gagging and 'eww', 'ick' and 'gross'ing about it and it's been 20 minutes since the conversation happened.
In any case, good food is hard to come by and decent meals are very few and far between. I guess because of this reason what I'm about to share didn't phase Derrick as much as it completely and utterly grossed me out. At the same time it made me appreciate how fortunate we are. Here is a little exert from our IM conversation:
derrick: the flies here are so bad it pisses me off
Deni: i'm sorry hun
derrick: I ate a fly the other day
Deni: eww
Deni: how did you do that?
derrick: I was eating biscuits and gravy
Deni: uck
derrick: and I guess it flew into the gravy
derrick: and I was chewing and I felt it pop in my mouth
Deni: and how did you find out?
derrick: It tasted a little off
Deni: eww
Deni: eww eeww eww
derrick: I just ignored it an kept eating
Deni: I just shrieked and had to tell the boys
Deni: now they're ewwing too
derrick: pretty nasty
Deni: yeah
Deni: eewww
derrick: thats what it gets
Deni: what? for landing in your food?
derrick: yes
I now know I can cook pretty much anything, test new recipes and just get creative and he'll appreciate it.
I am still gagging and 'eww', 'ick' and 'gross'ing about it and it's been 20 minutes since the conversation happened.
I blogged a few days ago on Myspace about some artwork. I won't post that blog here due to some sensitive issues around the initial situation (which has nothing to do with this piece or this artist). In any case, I wrapped that blog up with a piece of work I fell in love with & ended up buying. I bought it for myself and as a welcome home gift for Derrick. (good thing he doesn't read my blogs).
I found this amazing artist Maria Pia and her family on (user name gogreenusacom). Her work was beautiful, it was something she did for Earth Day. If you check it out you can read the reviews and the story of this particular piece. & if you like it as much you can puchrase a digital reprint of the original painting (for very reasonable prices too). Gogreenusacom on
The day after purchasing the piece I was contacted by the artist herself. She wanted to confirm my address and questioned if I were military (due to the FPO mailing address). If I was, would I mind telling her where we are located. I gave her a very brief summary: me & the boys here, Derrick there & this piece will be part of his homecoming gift. Oh, then went over how shipping works (priority or the slow boat & told her either way would be acceptable because I've got some time left). I woke up this morning to another message from her and her family. It was so touching I just had to pass it along.
*and if you were able to read my other blog you might understand why this moved me so much, to tears almost. It is so amazing the goodness of strangers.
One more thing I wanted to add, when I purchased this print I ordered the 17.5X10 size. Not only is she & her family just awesome, but generous and sympathetic to the wallet too.
she wrote:
Hi Mz. Denise,
Ok great ! (We do ship USPS Priority Mail) will be shipped today by 5 or tomorrow afternoon, we will fill out a customs form, so it should get to you much much sooner than 6 weeks, That's crazy I would have to say. We will pay for tracking and insurance for you as you do much for us.
We want to let you know that we are trying to make your Tree Map of the World a bit larger as you are going to frame it, and that is an odd size. We are working on it to make it equal numbers like 20 X 10 so it will not cost you a hand full of money to get it framed, as when they are odd numbers you need to special order and we want to make sure you have no stress finding a frame that it will fit in without having to custom order.
What you can try to do when you shop for the picture frame, get your prices without a picture in it.. Also try to find ugly pictures in a frame that cost much less and take out that picture and place The Tree Map of the World in it. A simple frame is our opinion as the fany ones take away from the painting print.
We are also going to try to give you extra top & bottom (the white canvas, so you can cut it exactly the way you need to, maybe a frame is cheaper but bigger and you can use the white canvas as a boarder. YOU choice.
We would like to Thank You and your Husband for ALL the SACRIFICES YOUR FAMILY have and are continuing to make for our Country and all other countries TO KEEP ALL SAFE FROM HARM. YOU ALL ARE OUR H E R O ' S FOR LIFE,
I would like to tell you something about our family. Our complete circle of family & friends say our Prayers sitting at the table, (breakfast) , (lunch) (dinner) and before we go to bed and we ALL give Thanks and Prayer for all in this world, BUT ESPECIALLY spend a good 6 minutes Thanking and asking God to watch over all our men & women in the forces as well as our allies to guide them with strength, wisdom, great health and to keep all OUR HERO'S and THEIR HERO families, friends safe and warm.
You have 2 sons you are double Blessed, I hope you all are learning Japanese? hehehehe I would love to, all I speak is Italian and English, My brother also speaks German and Spanish.
We know your Husband will have a wonderful unexpected gift for when he comes home, make sure to put flower pedals all over starting from the front door to you bedroom , HE HE HE good idea though but after the kids are fast asleep. WE are so HAPPY for you when he comes back soon!!
WOW JAPAN !!! We LOVE you ALL and you Children so much too, God Bless and take good care of your babies and husband. I am not sure how old they are but they I am sure your Babies for life. Kisses & Hugs and be sure to tell your Husband & FRIENDS about our families PRAYERS DAILY for years & years.
Love Maria Pia, Giulio, Levi and April one big happy family :>)
I found this amazing artist Maria Pia and her family on (user name gogreenusacom). Her work was beautiful, it was something she did for Earth Day. If you check it out you can read the reviews and the story of this particular piece. & if you like it as much you can puchrase a digital reprint of the original painting (for very reasonable prices too). Gogreenusacom on
The day after purchasing the piece I was contacted by the artist herself. She wanted to confirm my address and questioned if I were military (due to the FPO mailing address). If I was, would I mind telling her where we are located. I gave her a very brief summary: me & the boys here, Derrick there & this piece will be part of his homecoming gift. Oh, then went over how shipping works (priority or the slow boat & told her either way would be acceptable because I've got some time left). I woke up this morning to another message from her and her family. It was so touching I just had to pass it along.
*and if you were able to read my other blog you might understand why this moved me so much, to tears almost. It is so amazing the goodness of strangers.
One more thing I wanted to add, when I purchased this print I ordered the 17.5X10 size. Not only is she & her family just awesome, but generous and sympathetic to the wallet too.
she wrote:
Hi Mz. Denise,
Ok great ! (We do ship USPS Priority Mail) will be shipped today by 5 or tomorrow afternoon, we will fill out a customs form, so it should get to you much much sooner than 6 weeks, That's crazy I would have to say. We will pay for tracking and insurance for you as you do much for us.
We want to let you know that we are trying to make your Tree Map of the World a bit larger as you are going to frame it, and that is an odd size. We are working on it to make it equal numbers like 20 X 10 so it will not cost you a hand full of money to get it framed, as when they are odd numbers you need to special order and we want to make sure you have no stress finding a frame that it will fit in without having to custom order.
What you can try to do when you shop for the picture frame, get your prices without a picture in it.. Also try to find ugly pictures in a frame that cost much less and take out that picture and place The Tree Map of the World in it. A simple frame is our opinion as the fany ones take away from the painting print.
We are also going to try to give you extra top & bottom (the white canvas, so you can cut it exactly the way you need to, maybe a frame is cheaper but bigger and you can use the white canvas as a boarder. YOU choice.
We would like to Thank You and your Husband for ALL the SACRIFICES YOUR FAMILY have and are continuing to make for our Country and all other countries TO KEEP ALL SAFE FROM HARM. YOU ALL ARE OUR H E R O ' S FOR LIFE,
I would like to tell you something about our family. Our complete circle of family & friends say our Prayers sitting at the table, (breakfast) , (lunch) (dinner) and before we go to bed and we ALL give Thanks and Prayer for all in this world, BUT ESPECIALLY spend a good 6 minutes Thanking and asking God to watch over all our men & women in the forces as well as our allies to guide them with strength, wisdom, great health and to keep all OUR HERO'S and THEIR HERO families, friends safe and warm.
You have 2 sons you are double Blessed, I hope you all are learning Japanese? hehehehe I would love to, all I speak is Italian and English, My brother also speaks German and Spanish.
We know your Husband will have a wonderful unexpected gift for when he comes home, make sure to put flower pedals all over starting from the front door to you bedroom , HE HE HE good idea though but after the kids are fast asleep. WE are so HAPPY for you when he comes back soon!!
WOW JAPAN !!! We LOVE you ALL and you Children so much too, God Bless and take good care of your babies and husband. I am not sure how old they are but they I am sure your Babies for life. Kisses & Hugs and be sure to tell your Husband & FRIENDS about our families PRAYERS DAILY for years & years.
Love Maria Pia, Giulio, Levi and April one big happy family :>)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
it's been a little while
Okay, since we've been inundated with rain for the past 9 days we've done no park hopping, no trips to beaches or touristy attractions. The rain has fallen upon so many here and left us with a somber depression. The sun peaked out this morning and fought through the clouds. It fought hard at times but eventually it won. We had a beautiful day on Okinawa. It just took me a little while longer to get out of my rut then it did for the sun. So now I hope that tomorrow and next week the weather stays as it was today. There's tons I want to see & am ready to bust free from this funk.
Before I do, I'm going to reverse a minute to what my blogs were before I shifted directions. Just a small deployment update as I don't have much more then what I type to pass along. As of this afternoon (when I heard, not sure when he did) things have shifted at his camp some. There is positive to be noted but also issues of concern. Nothing that he and his team can't handle. I just want to put out there that there's been change. The other thing I want to update is his return information. I have none. I had a few ideas of an approximate return date but today he let me know that it's looking like they're return is being pushed back a week to 3 weeks later.
This won't be the first deployment he's been extended, and fortunately for us, this time they're not extending him through Christmas & New Years like they did last time. I'll update when I have something more to pass.
Before I do, I'm going to reverse a minute to what my blogs were before I shifted directions. Just a small deployment update as I don't have much more then what I type to pass along. As of this afternoon (when I heard, not sure when he did) things have shifted at his camp some. There is positive to be noted but also issues of concern. Nothing that he and his team can't handle. I just want to put out there that there's been change. The other thing I want to update is his return information. I have none. I had a few ideas of an approximate return date but today he let me know that it's looking like they're return is being pushed back a week to 3 weeks later.
This won't be the first deployment he's been extended, and fortunately for us, this time they're not extending him through Christmas & New Years like they did last time. I'll update when I have something more to pass.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The mother of all rollerslides!
Memorial Weekend the boys and I traveled down south with some friends to check out this park we found earlier in the week during Brandon's trip to the WWII Battle Sites. This park sits almost at the top of the ridge that was home to the Japanese Imperial Navy Underground Headquarters. For you WWII history buffs, this is the ridge where when accepting impending defeat, General Masahide Ota sent out his last transmission before he and all remaining Japanese forces took their lives. The final act, ending the battle of Okinawa.
You can drive up to the top of the ridge and tour the caves where this all took place. It is such a sobering place, but definitely a piece of history worth witnessing. Any of the battle sites on Okinawa are, but I'll save that for another blog.
Back to the park. This one has the mother of all roller slides, it actually has two! The awesome thing about these two is how they follow the ridge down, one of them even spirals! Once at the bottom there are a few playgrounds and a mini roller slide for the little ones. There are four swings that are really awesome too. They have basket seats. I don't know how else to explain them but I'll attach a a picture or two.

Here's a view from the top, getting ready to jet set down!

This park is not stroller friendly, but if you're feeling like being a monkey there is plenty to climb. For those with less of an animal instinct there are plenty of traditional steps you can take back up as well.

Here's the swings. They're perfect for just lounging in. More like a personal hammock of sorts.

Here's a view from the top looking down, should you opt to skip the steps this is where you'll end up.

Here's a little view of the park. I was trying to capture a little bit of the whole playground but there's so much it was hard to do in still photos so please don't mind the boys on the swing or Amanda's husband being a goofball.
Directions to this park:. Take route 58 south through Naha. Make a left onto route 7 just before crossing over the Meiji Bridge (the one right before the airport). Follow route 7 for about 10 or so minutes. You will go through a tunnel and as you come out, on your left hand side you will see the slides going down the hillside. Make a left at the first light after the tunnel. Make a left at the T and follow the road up the hill. You will turn left into the parks parking lot or you can continue straight up to the tunnels.
**Don't forget to bring cardboard, those slides can get a little bit toasty. ;)
You can drive up to the top of the ridge and tour the caves where this all took place. It is such a sobering place, but definitely a piece of history worth witnessing. Any of the battle sites on Okinawa are, but I'll save that for another blog.
Back to the park. This one has the mother of all roller slides, it actually has two! The awesome thing about these two is how they follow the ridge down, one of them even spirals! Once at the bottom there are a few playgrounds and a mini roller slide for the little ones. There are four swings that are really awesome too. They have basket seats. I don't know how else to explain them but I'll attach a a picture or two.
Here's a view from the top, getting ready to jet set down!
This park is not stroller friendly, but if you're feeling like being a monkey there is plenty to climb. For those with less of an animal instinct there are plenty of traditional steps you can take back up as well.
Here's the swings. They're perfect for just lounging in. More like a personal hammock of sorts.
Here's a view from the top looking down, should you opt to skip the steps this is where you'll end up.
Here's a little view of the park. I was trying to capture a little bit of the whole playground but there's so much it was hard to do in still photos so please don't mind the boys on the swing or Amanda's husband being a goofball.
Directions to this park:. Take route 58 south through Naha. Make a left onto route 7 just before crossing over the Meiji Bridge (the one right before the airport). Follow route 7 for about 10 or so minutes. You will go through a tunnel and as you come out, on your left hand side you will see the slides going down the hillside. Make a left at the first light after the tunnel. Make a left at the T and follow the road up the hill. You will turn left into the parks parking lot or you can continue straight up to the tunnels.
**Don't forget to bring cardboard, those slides can get a little bit toasty. ;)
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